University History in the Czech Republic

AutorLukas Fasora - Jiri Hanus
CargoMasaryk University Brno
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 20/1 (2017), 41-70 - DOI:
ISSN: 1988-8503 -
University History in the Czech Republic
Lukáš Fasora - Jií Hanuš *
Masaryk University Brno
Historia de la Universidad en la República Checa
Abstract This text provides a historio
graphical overview of research into universi
ty history in the Bohemian lands The authors
point to the limited standing that the speciali
zed discipline of university history has within
Czech historiography and summarize the
methodological dificulties which prevent this
discipline from gaining more respect This is
mainly due to it being too closely connected
with anniversaries and consequently the
uncertain existence of research teams From
a methodological perspective this organiza
tional problem results in the overrepresen
tation of institutional biographies in the port
folio of studies while a greater proportion of
the publications interpret university history
in isolation from the rest of the society and
are a priori success stories It has only been
over the past two decades that there have
been changes in the discipline which have
rapidly brought it up to speed in methodo
logical terms with other more traditional
historical disciplines The text also focuses
Resumen Este texto ofrece una visión
historiográica de la investigación sobre la his
toria de las universidades en Bohemia Los au
tores apuntan a que la disciplina especializada
de la historia de la universidad tiene una posi
ción limitada dentro de la historiograía checa
y resumen las diicultades metodológicas que
impiden que esta disciplina gane más presen
cia Esto se debe principalmente a que la his
toria de las universidades está demasiado vin
culada con los aniversarios y por consiguiente
con la incertidumbre de los equipos de investi
gación Desde un punto de vista metodológico
este problema organizativo da como resultado
la sobrerepresentación de las biograías ins
titucionales mientras que una mayor propor
ción de las publicaciones interpreta la historia
universitaria aislada del resto de la sociedad y
son historias de éxito a priori Sólo en las dos
últimas décadas se han producido cambios en
la disciplina que lo han acelerado rápidamen
te en términos metodológicos con otras dis
ciplinas históricas más tradicionales El texto
* fasoraphilmunicz jirhgmailcom
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 41-70. DOI:
on an overview of important  breakthrough
works in the discipline and their place within
sociopolitical changes with special attention
paid to the oldest Czech university in Prague
though there is also an examination of inter
esting trends in the research into the history
of newer provincial Czech universities
Keywords university history Bohe
mian lands historiographical overview
también se centra en una visión general de los
trabajos importantes de avance en la discipli
na y de su lugar
Los cambios sociopolíticos con una
atención especial a la universidad checa más
vieja en Praga aunque hay también un examen
de tendencias interesantes en la investigación
en la historia de las universidades checas más
nuevas provinciales
Palabras clave historia de la universi
dad territorios de Bohemia panorama histo
The historical discipline known as university history has not yet fully esta
blished itself in the academic world of the Czech Republic Researchers in
volved in this area recognize that most studies relating to university history
emerge on an adhoc basis depending on various anniversaries and are ba
sed on the methodological approaches of institutional history rather than
comparative works focusing on the history of the universitas using sophis
ticated methodology which is clearly deined in relation to other areas of
historical research The main reason why university history does not have a
clear identity as a research area is its uncertain methodological background
and permeable boundaries in relation to other more established ields of re
search Curiously enough the entire institutional superstructure for the afo
rementioned commission thus predates the debate about the actual identity
of the ield of university history by many years
The discipline of university history will not gain the respect of other
ields of Czech history if it is solely based on works describing the institutio
nal history of universities which are partly hagiographical and partly critical
though in every case written as a history of success It is dificult for them not
to be as these works are commissioned by university oficials inanced by the
university are usually given a tight deadline and are written by historians who
are not even particularly interested in the subject thought their involvement
is more or less a political necessity Subsequently researchers resort to using
a master narrative in an attempt to demonstrate their erudition while comple
ting the task
This has its obvious advantages and disadvantages In addition to the
fact that this approach meets the expectations of those who commissioned
the study it is also a tool with which to holistically understand a university
in its vast diversity its multidisciplinarity the differences in perceptions of
tradition as a tool to bridge the wide range of interuniversity conlict lines
and inally as a way to defend the credibility and usefulness of historical re

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