Towards a framework for understanding societal and ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence

AutorV. Richard Benjamins - Idoia Salazar García
Cargo del AutorTelefónica - Universidad CEU San Pablo
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Towards a framework for understanding societal
and ethical implications of Articial Intelligence
Hacia un marco para comprender las implicaciones sociales
y éticas de la Inteligencia Articia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9412-7082
Universidad CEU San Pablo
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9540-8740
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed technologies today. There
are many innovative applications such as the diagnosis and treatment of cancer,
customer experience, new business, education, contagious diseases propagation and
optimization of the management of humanitarian catastrophes. However, with all those
opportunities also comes great responsibility to ensure good and fair practice of AI. The
objective of this paper is to identify the main societal and ethical challenges implied by a
massive uptake of AI. We have surveyed the literature for the most common challenges
and classified them in seven groups: 1) Non-desired effects, 2) Liability, 3) Unknown
consequences, 4) Relation people-robots, 5) Concentration of power and wealth,
6) Intentional bad uses, and 7) AI for weapons and warfare. The challenges should
be dealt with in different ways depending on their origin; some have technological
solutions, while other require ethical, societal, or political answers. Depending on the
origin, different stakeholders might need to act. Whatever the identified stakeholder,
not treating those issues will lead to uncertainty and unforeseen consequences with
potentially large negative societal impact, hurting especially the most vulnerable groups
of societies. Technology is helping to take better decisions, and AI is promoting data-
driven decisions in addition to experience- and intuition-based discussion, with many
improvements happening. However, the negative side effects of this technology need to
be well understood and acted upon before we launch them massively into the world.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ethics, technology, robots.
La inteligencia artificial (IA) es una de las tecnologías más discutidas en la
actualidad. Existen muchas aplicaciones innovadoras como el diagnóstico y tratamiento
del cáncer, la experiencia del cliente, los nuevos negocios, la educación, la propagación
de enfermedades contagiosas y la optimización de la gestión de catástrofes humanitarias.
Sin embargo, con todas esas oportunidades también viene una gran responsabilidad
para garantizar una buena práctica justa de AI. El objetivo de este documento es
identificar los principales desafíos sociales y éticos implicados por una aceptación
masiva de la IA. Hemos examinado la literatura para los desafíos más comunes y los

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