On University Historiography in Hungary: An Overview of the Past 25 Years

AutorLaszlo Szögi
CargoHungarian Academy of Sciences ? Eötvös Loránd University Budapest History of Universities Research Group
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 20/1 (2017), 221-250 - DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3735
ISSN: 1988-8503 - www.uc3m.es/cian
László Szögi**
Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
History of Universities Research Group
Sobre la Historia de la Universidad en Hungría:
un repaso a los últimos 25 años
On University Historiography in Hungary:
An Overview of the Past 25 Years*
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3735
* The present article was created with the support of the MTAELTE History of Universities
Research Group  TKI 
** drszogilaszlogmailcom
Abstract In the following paper we
display the development of writings about
universities history in the last  years It is
important to underline that we use the name
of Hungary as a historical deinition In this
case it means the whole territory of the Car
pathian Basin because the current boarders
were created in  Since the Hungarian
universities were founded late the possibi
lity of attendance at foreign universities re
presented great importance Nowadays we
possess a database with more than 
records about Hungarian students who atten
ded foreign universities before  Many
Source editions analyses and monographs
were published in this topic The purpose of
Resumen En el presente artículo ana
lizamos el desarrollo de los trabajos sobre la
historia las universidades en los últimos 
años Es importante subrayar que usamos el
nombre de Hungría como una deinición his
tórica En este caso nos referimos a todo el te
rritorio de la Cuenca de los Cárpatos debido
a que las fronteras actuales fueron creadas en
 Dado que las universidades húngaras
se fundaron tarde la posibilidad de asistir a
universidades extranjeras adquirió gran im
portancia Hoy en día contamos con una base
de datos con más de  registros so
bre los estudiantes húngaros que asistieron
a universidades extranjeras antes de 
Muchos compendios de fuentes analisis y
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 221-250. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3733
the following article is to summarize the most
notable volumes
Keywords source editions monogra
phs on university history Hungarian universi
ty education students Youth Clubs
monograías se publicaron sobre este tema
El propósito del artículo que sigue es reseñar
los trabajos más notables
Palabras clave compendios de fuentes
monograías sobre Historia de la Universidad
Educación universitaria húngara estudiantes
Youth Clubs
In order to present research on the history of Hungarian tertiary education
it is indispensable to clarify what we mean under the name Hungary in diffe
rent epochs and also into what chronological units the research can be divi
ded The historical Kingdom of Hungary covers the whole of the Carpathian
basin which is now shared by eight European countries For this reason we
have to be aware that Hungarian historiography treats not only modern but
also historical Hungary in our case the history of universities and academies
that once existed in this area This fact often causes confusion in Western
Europe where people are still often unaware of the many changes that have
taken place in the Central European region and therefore interpret or analy
se historical issues according to the current borders
Chronologically it is important to know that in Hungarian historiography
the Middle Ages terminate in  the year marking the end of the uniied
Kingdom of Hungary which fell into different parts due to the Ottoman in
trusion and subsequently became part of both the Ottoman and Habsburg
Empire In the Eastern part was established the Principality of Transylva
nia After  Hungary was reunited within the Habsburg Monarchy in the
form of a multiethnic country A third crucial borderline was the year 
when as a result of the Trianon peace treaty signed with the great powers
following WWI twothird of the territory of Hungary was attached to the
then newly formed neighbouring countries
Historical sources of Hungarian university education
It is not rare to ind incomplete written sources in the Central European re
gion This statement has an increased truth value for Hungary where due to
Ottoman Hungary the inside conlicts and independence wars sources in me
dieval  and oftentimes modern  archives have been seriously destroyed

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