
AutorMiguel Vidal-Quadras Trias de Bes
Cargo del AutorDoctor en Derecho. Abogado

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AA.VV., Butterworths Patent Litigation: Enforcing a Global Patent Portfolio, Butterworths, Londres, 1995.

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CHISUM, DONALD S., The Scope of Protection for Patents after the Supreme Courts Warner-Jenkinson Decision: The Fair Protection - Certainty Conundrum, 14 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L. J. 1998, pp. 1-62.

CHISUM, DONALD S., The Supreme Court and Patent Law: Does Shallow Reasoning Lead to Thin Law?, Marquette IPLR, 1999, pp. 1-22.

CHISUM, DONALD S., Y OTROS, Principles of Patent Law. Cases and Materials, Foundation Press, New York, 1999.

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CHROCZIEL, PETER , Zulassungshandlungen mit patentierten Arzneimittelerfingungen durch Zweitanmelder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den USA, GRUR 1984, pp.735-740.

COLE, PAUL, Inventive Step: Meaning of the EPO Problem and Solution Approach, and Implications for the United Kingdom- Part I, EIPR 1998, pp. 214-218.

COLE, PAUL, Inventive Step: Meaning of the EPO Problem and Solution Approach, and Implications for the United Kingdom- Part II, EIPR 1998, pp. 267-272.

COLE, PAUL, Kastner v. Rizla: A historic decision on equivalents?, EIPR 1997, pp. 617-624.

CÓLERA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ MIGUEL, La doctrina de los equivalentes a la luz del caso Hilton Davis Chemical Co. c. Warner-Jenkinson Company, Inc., ADI 1999, pp. 353-383.

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CRESPI, STEPHEN, Recombinant DNA Patents in Litigation - A Comparative Study of Some EPO and UK National Court Decisions, IIC 28 (1997), pp. 603-622.


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