The smart cities as part of a sustainable urban and governance model for the XXI century

AutorCarolina Rodrigues Madeira da Costa
— 670 —
the smart cities as Part oF a sUstainable Urban
and Governance model For the xxi centUry
ca r o l i n a ro d r i G u e s Ma d e i r a d a co s t a 1
Abstract: This article proposes reflections about Smart Cities, their concepts and the implications
for the governance of urban systems. The term Smart Cities encompasses numerous possibilities for
interpretation and encompasses multidisciplinary elements. Using bibliographic research and the empirical
deductive method, the term was being examined and compared with urbanism, for an analysis of its multiple
connections and undeniable interdependence. In addition, a brief presentation was made of how the topic
has been treated and experienced in the European context, which signalizes a possible terminological
expansion, which adds new values to the urbanistic sustainable development. Understanding what a Smart
City effectively means and thinking about urbanism, is urgent. There is already a general awareness of the
need to improve the urban system, and several of the keys to this evolution are in the precepts brought
by Smart Cities. However, there is a certain lack of epistemological precision, as to how these precepts
would translate into practice, which makes it difficult for norms and institutions to adapt to new paradigms.
Evidently, the absorption of technologies is not enough, what is proposed with Smart Cities is a complete
remodeling in the way to think and live the city. The pillars of urbanism and governance need to be rebuilt
to enable the advances proposed for Smart Cities.
Keywords: Smart Cities; Urbanism; Sustainable development; Governance.
Resumo: O presente artigo propõe reflexões sobre Smart Cities, seus conceitos e as implicações na
governança dos sistemas urbanos. O termo Smart Cities engloba inúmeras possibilidades de interpretação
e abarca elementos multidisciplinares. Utilizando pesquisa bibliografia e o método empírico dedutivo, o
termo foi sendo examinado e confrontado com o urbanismo, para uma analise das suas amplas conexões
e incontestável interdependência. Ademais, se fez um breve apresentação de como o tema vem sendo
tratado e experienciado no contexto europeu, que aponta para uma possível ampliação terminológica, que
soma novos valores ao viés urbanístico do desenvolvimento sustentável. Compreender o que efetivamente
1 Master´s Degree in Governance and Human Rights from the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Master´s Degree Applicant in Applied Anthropology – Diversity and Globalization from the University of
Castilla La Mancha. Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Lawyer. carolinarma-

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