The Integrated Maritime Policy and Sea Basin Strategies: A comparative analysis of the Atlantic and Baltic Sea Strategies

AutorAnnina Cristina Bürgin
The Integrated Maritime Policy
and Sea Basin Strategies:
A comparative analysis of the
Atlantic and Baltic Sea Strategies
Annina Cristina BÜRGIN*
* PhD, lecturer on Public International Law at the University of Vigo (Spain).
Summary: 1. I. 2. L B   S B S.
2.1. Regulation (EU) 1255/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 30 November 2011 establishing a Program to support the further development
of an Integrated Maritime Policy. 2.2. Directive 2014/89/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for mari-
time spatial planning. 2.3. Communication from the Commission to the European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee of the
Regions Blue Growth opportunities for marine and maritime sustainable growth
COM (2012) 494 nal. 3. C   A  B S
B S. 4. T S B S. 4.1. Baltic Sea Basin. 4.2. At-
lantic Area. 5. S  D. 5.1. Similarities. 5.2. Dierences.
6. F .
e creation of the European Union’s Sea Basin Strategy is easily
comprehensible taking into account that the extension of the land area
of the EU is much less than the maritime spaces under the jurisdiction
of the Member States and the EU has a coastline of sixty-eight thou-
sand of kilometers that multiplies the extension of the United States of
America or Russia. Almost half of the population of the EU lives close
to the sea, that is to say less than fty kilometers away from the coastline
and almost one seventh of the citizens live within ve hundred meters
from the coast.1
e socio-economic importance of the sea and the coasts for the
EU population is obvious and it’s understandably that these regions face
dierent challenges than other areas such as the Alpine regions. Against
this background, the EU elaborated strategies for the European coastal
regions in order to set up specic policies and tailor-made solutions to
the diverse challenges these regions face.
e EU published in 2009 the rst EU Sea Basin Strategy (SBS),
namely for the Baltic Sea, and since then eight strategies for dierent re-
gions have been elaborated, namely for the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the
Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.
e overall goal of all SBS is to promote growth and to address its spe-
cic challenges why there is a wide range of issues included in the strat-
egies such as climate change, the potential of renewable blue energy, pol-
lution or maritime safety.
In this paper, two of the eight SBS are analyzed, namely the Baltic
Sea Strategy due to the fact that it was the rst SBS and the Atlantic
Arc strategy. After mentioning the legal basis of the SBS, there will be a
1 AGENCIA EUROPEA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2017), Costas y mares, (consultation 15.09.2017)

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