Solution17: the project

AutorFoluke Michael
Cargo del AutorProject Management Consultant and SDGs Implementer
Foluke Michael1
Project Management Consultant and SDGs Implementer
SUMARIO: I. Introduction Creative Youth Community Development Initiative
(CYCDI). II. Solution17 for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). III. Solu-
tion17 for Gender Equality and Sport (Women and Sport – GE2030). IV. Role of
education for Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
V. GE2030 Project Implementation Process.
1 Foluke Michael is a Project Management Consultant and SDGs Implementer. She is the CEO
and Project Director of Creative Youth Community Development Initiative and Creative
Youth Initiative Against Corruption. She founded InnoCreativa Youth Hub (IC2030), CYIAC
Corruption Busters (CCB) and other anti-corruption initiatives to curb corruption through
educational and creative development in children and youth.
CCB was recently added to the United Nations Oce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Doha
Declaration Education for Justice (E4J) Library of Resources for global dissemination. Foluke’
CYIAC won the 2018 United Nations SDG Award–Innovator in Bonn Germany at the Global
Festival of Action for Sustainable Development organised by United Nations SDG Action
Campaign. She also won the 2018 University of Salford Alumni Achievement Award in rec-
ognition of her exceptional contribution to society through the work of Creative Youth Initia-
tive Against Corruption. Her works has been published in United Kingdom, Austria, Spain,
Germany, Switzerland and United States.
Foluke is the Project Director of «Vision of the Child»; she is currently leading a global cam-
paign along with 17 School Girls from 17 Schools to promote SDGs, and to raise drug pre-
vention awareness amongst youths and vulnerable adults through a school awareness and
creative programme. The project materials has recently been adopted and printed for massive
dissemination in Nigeria by European Union and United Nations Oce on Drugs and Crime
as sensitisation materials to curb the menace of Drug Abuse and to promote SDGs.
She created «Solution17 for Sustainable Development Goals» to help drive the actualisation of
SDGs globally. Solution17 has been published by United Nations as GOOD PRACTISE, SUC-

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