Scientific aspects of the udhr as a cultural milestone

AutorJesús García Cívico
J G C
Universidad Jaume I, Spain
Science and human rights are linked in many ways. The right to enjoy
the benefi ts of scientifi c progress, the importance of scientifi c advances
in guaranteeing human rights to life, health, adequate food or water
are just some well-known examples of this connections. The current
methodology of organizations as Human Rights Watch includes satellite
images to document the destruction of poor communities in remote
locations around the world and at the same time other broader and more
complex focus points see human rights e ectiveness as a process that can
be scientifi cally analyzed.
At the same time, Political science, Psychology, History of ideas (a
eld that deals with the expression, preservation, and change of human
ideas over time), as well as Legal anthropology (or anthropology of laws,
as a sub-discipline of anthropology which specializes in the cross-cultural
study of social ordering) or the current Sociology of human rights has
something to say when we talk about scientifi c aspects of human rightsŚ
the matter is broader that it seems at a fi rst sight. As a starting point, in
the domain of this wide and expansive theme two broad approaches can
be di erentiatedŚ (1) Science from the human rights perspective and (2)
Human rights from the perspective of science.
The main brands of the rst approach (science from the human rights
perspective) would beŚ the right to share in scientifi c advancement and
its benefi tsś the right to the protection of the moral and material interests
resulting from any scientifi c production of which he is the author, the
development and the di usion of science and culture. Regarding the

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