A Review of Recent Research on the History of Universities and Students in France

AutorPierre Moulinier
CargoStudent Movement Studies and Research Group (GERME)
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 20/1 (2017), 141-161 - DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3731
ISSN: 1988-8503 - www.uc3m.es/cian
A Review of Recent Research on the History
of Universities and Students in France
Pierre Moulinier*
Student Movement Studies and Research Group (GERME)
[Groupe d’études et de recherche sur les mouvements étudiants]
Un repaso a las recientes investigaciones en Historia
de las Universidades y sus estudiantes en Francia
Abstract In France the active commu
nity of researchers studying education and
young people usually focus their research on
children and adolescents while research on
education is limited to elementary schooling
Yet research on the history of French univer
sities and the student population does exist
The higher education reform introduced af
ter the  student revolt swept away the
early th century Napoleonic model of a
university based on the primacy of speciali
zed faculties the humanities science medi
cine law pharmacy but endowed with little
power a transformation that inspired some
important research on the general history of
French universities and also on the history
of certain provincial universities Numerous
monographs describe the new post es
tablishments or mark the anniversary of an
older even medieval institution Some pro
mising research has also been undertaken on
Resumen En Francia la comunidad
activa de investigadores que estudian la edu
cación y sus jóvenes suele centrar su investi
gación en niños y adolescentes mientras que
la investigación en educación se limita a la
enseñanza primaria Sin embargo existen in
vestigaciones sobre la historia de las universi
dades francesas y la población estudiantil La
reforma de la educación superior introducida
después de la revuelta estudiantil de 
barrió el modelo napoleónico del siglo XIX de
una universidad basada en la primacía de las
facultades especializadas las humanidades
la ciencia la medicina el derecho la farma
cia pero dotada de poco poder una transfor
mación que inspiró algunas investigaciones
importantes sobre la historia general de las
universidades francesas y también sobre la
historia de ciertas universidades provinciales
Numerosas monograías describen los nuevos
establecimientos posteriores a  o marcan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3731
* pierremouliniernumericablefr
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 141-161. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3731
the history of students a relatively new topic
and one that will beneit from the creativity
of dedicated research organizations
Keywords history of faculties history
of universities history of students students
associations the higher education reform
el aniversario de una institución medieval más
antigua También se han realizado algunas in
vestigaciones prometedoras sobre la historia
de los estudiantes un tema relativamente nue
vo y que se beneiciará de la creatividad de las
organizaciones dedicadas a la investigación
Palabras clave Historia de las faculta
des historia de las universidades historia de
los estudiantes asociaciones de estudiantes la
reforma de la educación superior
The university question has prompted research on a wide range of sub
jects including universities academic policies higher education university
buildings and institutions school curricula and programs male and female
students professors openings after graduation university towns etc not
to mention the history of French intellectual life Those involved in these re
search projects are sociologists and political scientists and yet according to
the sociologist Georges Felouzis higher education which is a classic subject
of sociology is seldom considered a distinct subject of research in France
and taught as such This is especially true in the case of history The ma
jority of historians studying education and teaching in France concentrate
on primary and secondary school education rather than on universities and
students despite specialized structures such as RESUP Higher Education
Research Network Organizational Sociology Centre Réseau détudes sur
lenseignement supérieur Centre de sociologie des organisations who
se members are mostly sociologists political scientists and economists or
GERME Student Movement Studies and Research Group Groupe détudes
sur les mouvements étudiants where historians are predominant
The special issue of Le Mouvement social on Scientiic and acade
mic changes in France since  OctoberDecember  published an
editorial by three researchers including Antoine Prost deploring the lack
of even the most elementary knowledge of these subjects We are mis
taken they write in supposing that we know the history of universities
and research institutionsFirst they point to the gap between our scientiic
knowledge and our knowledge of universities Most universities were unable
For example George Felouzis Les mutations actuelles de lUniversité Paris Presses uni
versitaires de France 
JeanMichel Chapoulie et Patrick Fridenson et Antoine Prost Jalons pour une histoire
sociale de la science et des établissements denseignement supérieur en France depuis 
Le Mouvement social  OctoberDecember  

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