Historiography of the University. A New Field for an Old Topic in German Historical Scholarship

AutorMartin Kintzinger
CargoUniversität Mu?nster
CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades, 20/1 (2017), 97-139 - DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3730
ISSN: 1988-8503 - www.uc3m.es/cian
Historiography of the University. A New Field for
an Old Topic in German Historical Scholarship
Martin Kintzinger*
Universität Münster
Historiografía sobre la Universidad. Un nuevo campo para
un viejo tema en la Historia de la Universidad alemana
Abstract There is no tradition nor
genus of historiography within writing on
university history in German historical re
search In the Middle Ages there was no his
toriography of the institutionalized schools
and the early universities It began in the
early modern period From the beginning in
the th century onwards historiography
of university mostly meant to tell about the
own university and to underline its academic
brilliance and irst of all its political value
for the government In later th century
the inluence of enlightenment changed the
argumentation and the politically enforced
difference between academies and universi
ties made the identity of universities more
evident Universities from then on did not
understand themselves no longer primarily
as instruments of government but as places
of scientiic liberty and insofar partly of le
gal independence There were conlicts and
quarrels about in how far universities should
just help to create educated oficers for the
Resumen No hay tradición ni género
de la historiograía dentro de la escritura de la
historia de la universidad en la investigación
histórica alemana En la Edad Media no hay
ninguna historiograía de los colegios institu
cionalizados ni de las primeras universidades
Esto comenzó en época moderna Desde el
principio en el siglo XVII en adelante la histo
riograía de la universidad en su mayoría sig
niicaba relatar la historia de la propia univer
sidad para subrayar su brillantez académica y
sobre todo su valor político para el gobierno
A inales del siglo XVIII la inluencia de la Ilus
tración cambia la argumentación y la diferen
cia impuesta políticamente entre academias y
universidades hizo la identidad de las uni
versidades más evidente Universidades que
a partir de entonces no se entienden a sí mis
mas ya primariamente como instrumentos de
gobierno sino como lugares de libertad cientí
ica y en parte de independencia legal Hubo
conlictos y disputas sobre si las universidades
debían ayudar a crear los oiciales educados
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3730
* mkintzingerunimuensterde
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 97-139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3730
government or open a ield of independence
for a Freedom of science All conlict parties
published their declarations which can be
used for the historiography of universities
nowadays but did not intend to be unders
tood as such In the beginning of the th
century the innovation of the modern uni
versity founded by the ideas of Wilhelm of
Humboldt in Prussia and the promotion by
the government but as well the dependen
ce from political support set new conditions
for the development of the universities and
it made possible the beginning of an oficial
historiography of university history Until
 the discussion on the liberty of scien
ce and universities and their newly deined
importance for the beginning nationstates
as well as on the growing difference between
historical and philosophical disciplines on
the one hand naturalscientiic and even te
chnical disciplines on the other hand became
more and more important Historiography
of universities and their history was crea
ted but from the beginning on focused on
controversies Rectoratespeeches became a
new genus of historiography of universities
and it was of great inluence It developed a
comparative modern approach on the his
tory of universities but was in the same time
exploited as political argument in national
politics and international conlicts and war
times Finally the end of free discussion and
academic discourse on the historiography of
universities came with the beginning of the
Nazi period in Germany Modern learned
and academic historiography of the history
of universities from the middle of the th
century onwards has got the chance to rees
tablish discussions on the history of univer
sities from the Middle Ages to contemporary
times and even in an international context
but did not yet ind to a speciic genus of his
Keywords scholarship and politics
confessionalization of universities conlict of
disciplines utility of scholarship primacy of
para el gobierno o abrir un campo indepen
diente para la libertad de la ciencia Todas
las partes en conlicto publicaron sus declara
ciones que pueden ser utilizados por la histo
riograía de las universidades hoy en día pero
que no tienen la intención de entenderse como
tal En el comienzo del siglo XIX la innovación
de la universidad moderna fundada por las
ideas de Guillermo de Humboldt en Prusia y
la promoción por parte del gobierno pero a su
vez la dependencia del apoyo político estable
cen nuevas condiciones para el desarrollo de
las universidades que hicieron posible el inicio
de una historiograía oicial de la historia de
la universidad Hasta  el debate sobre la
libertad de la ciencia y de las universidades y
su importancia recientemente deinida para el
inicio de los Estadosnación así como la cre
ciente diferencia entre disciplinas históricas
y ilosóicas por un lado y cientíiconaturales
e incluso técnicas por otro se volvió cada vez
más importante Una historia e historiograía
de las universidades que desde el principio se
ha centrado en las controversias Los discur
sos de los rectores pasaron a ser un nuevo gé
nero muy inluyente de la historiograía de las
universidades Se desarrolló un enfoque com
parativo versión moderna de la historia de las
universidades pero que fue al mismo tiempo
explotado como argumento político en la po
lítica nacional y en los conlictos y tiempos de
guerras internacionales Por último el inal de
la discusión libre y del discurso académico so
bre la historiograía de las universidades vino
con el inicio del período Nazi en Alemania La
historiograía sobre las universidades de me
diados del siglo  en adelante ha tenido la
oportunidad de restablecer los debates sobre
la historia de las universidades de la Edad Me
dia hasta la época contemporánea e incluso en
el contexto internacional pero aún no ha en
contrado un género historiográico especíico
Palabras clave universidad y políticas
confesionalidad de las universidades conlicto
de disciplinas utilidad de la universidad pri
macía de disciplinas
CIAN, 20/1 (2017), 97-139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20318/cian.2017.3730
From Edition to Narrative The Beginnings
There are many studies on university history and numerous works on the
history of universities of scholars and of the sciences Yet until today there
is no history of university history within German historiography Among the
extensive research on the history of historical writing there are individual
historiographic works dealing with universities But in contrast to the histo
riography of courts monasteries or cities the historiography of universities
has not been able to develop its own distinctive form nor has it given rise to
its own genre And in contrast to the just mentioned historiographies uni
versity historiographies have been primarily commissioned on the occasion
of anniversary celebrations and this was particularly prevalent in the mo
dern era While texts dealing with university historiography are certainly
covered in the established handbooks on the history of the university they
are however not treated as a traditional genre in its own right
Still a substantial number of documents of university historiography
have been preserved even though they were not written with that intention
and did not understand themselves as such Normally works by university
scholars on texts by classical authorities or on the methodological develo
pment of their discipline on exceptional representatives of their universi
ty or conversely on dificult situations and disturbances did not consider
themselves a form of university historiography even though they factually
were and are precisely that Particularly interesting examples of critical his
A detailed article on the same topic in German language is being prepared for print
Exemplarily Herbert Grundmann Geschichtsschreibung im Mittelalters Gattungen  Epochen
 Eigenart  th ed Göttingen Vandenhoeck  Ruprecht  Susanne Rau Bir
git Studt ed Geschichte schreiben Ein Quellen und Studienhandbuch zur Historiograie ca
 Berlin Akademie  Urich Rasche ed Quellen zur frühneuzeitlichen Uni
versitätsgeschichte Typen Bestände Forschungsperspektiven Wolfenbütteler Forschungen
vol  Wiesbaden Harrasowitz  Markus Völkel Geschichtsschreibung Eine Ein
führung in globaler Perspektive CologneWeimarVienna Böhlau  
Walter Rüegg ed Geschichte der Universität in Europa vol  Mittelalter Munich Beck
 Wolfgang E WeberGeschichte der europäischen Universität Stuttgart Kohlhammer
 Cf Peter Moraw Gesammelte Beiträge zur Deutschen und Europäischen Universitätsges
chichte Strukturen  Personen  Entwicklungen Education and Society in the Middle Ages and
Renaissance vol  LeidenBoston Brill  Jürgen Miethke Studieren an mittelalterli
chen Universitäten Chancen und Risiken Gesammelte Aufsätze Education and Society in the
Middle Ages and Renaissance vol LeidenBoston Brill  Rainer Christoph Schwin
ges Studenten und Gelehrte Studien zur Sozial und Kulturgeschichte deutscher Universitäten
im Mittelalter Education and Societ y in the Middle Ages and Renaissance vol  Leiden
Boston Brill 

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