Fixed term contracts and the principle of equal treatment - Conclusions

AutorManuel Luque Parra - Andrés Camargo Rodríguez
CargoProfessor of Labor Law and Social Security Universitat Pompeu Fabra - PhD candidate, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
IUSLabor 1/2017 Manuel Luque Parra and Andrés Camargo R.
Manuel Luque Parra
Professor of Labor Law and Social Security Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Andrés Camargo Rodríguez
PhD candidate, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
The Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) in this issue 1/2017 of IUSLabor is
dedicated to fixed term contracts and the principle of equal treatment. We have had the
collaboration of internationally renowned academics and professionals from Belgium,
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica,
Mexico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Canada and the USA.
Notwithstanding recommending our readers the reading of the complete articles of the
comparative dossier, we have drawn the top 10 conclusions and elaborated a summary
table with the most relevant issues regarding fixed-term contracts an principle of equal
treatment in the different legal systems analyzed in this issue of IUSLabor.
El Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) de este número 1/2017 de IUSLabor está
dedicado a los contratos temporales y al principio de igualdad de trato. Hemos obtenido
la participación de académicos y profesionales de prestigio de Alemania, Bélgica,
España, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, México,
República Dominicana, Uruguay, Canadá y Estados Unidos.
Sin perjuicio de recomendar a nuestros lectores la lectura del capítulo correspondiente a
cada uno de los países citados, en las páginas que se suceden hemos incluido las 10
conclusiones principales que hemos alcanzado, así como un cuadro-resumen con
aquellas cuestiones más relevantes en materia externalización y cadenas de producción
en los ordenamientos jurídicos analizados en este número de IUSLabor.
Título: Principio de igua ldad de trato y contratos temporales. Conclusiones
Keywords: fixed term contract, temporary contract, equal treatment, right to occupy a
vacant, working conditions, compensation, indefinite contracts, “Diego Porras”.
IUSLabor 1/2017 Manuel Luque Parra and Andrés Camargo R.
Palabras clave: contrato de duración determinada, contrato temporal, igualdad de trato,
derecho a ocupar una vacante, condiciones de trabajo, indemnización, contrato
indefinido, “Diego Porras”.
IUSLabor 1/2017, p. 1-, ISSN 1699-2938
1. «Top ten» conclusions.
2. «Top ten» conclusiones
3. Summary table
3.1. Europe
3.2. South and Central America
3.3. North America
IUSLabor 1/2017 Manuel Luque Parra and Andrés Camargo R.
1. «Top ten» conclusions
The Comparative Labor Law Dossier (CLLD) in this issue 1/2017 of IUSLabor is
dedicated to fixed term contracts and the principle of equal treatment, elaborated by
internationally renowned academics and professionals, regarding this important matter.
Fixed-term contracts are an important way of regulating labour relations, specially in
the current global context where flexibility has been set out as a key tool for the best
functioning of labour markets. However, the increasing use of these carries different
problematic aspects, given the relation with fundamental rights in the work place, the
function of it in terms of employability, and some specific legal challenges. Thus, this
study tackles the matter from a comparative perspective in order to identify some
similarities and dissimilarities between systems and specific patterns in the regions that
made it up. In this dossier we analyzed the most relevant 10 issues in the legal systems
of Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Canada and the USA.
The international advisors that have participated in this comparative dossier have
answered to the following questions:
1. Is it possible to subscribe a temporary or fixed-term contract? Also to carry out the
company’s permanent needs or activities?
2. Which fixed-term contract exist?
3. Does the legal regulation establish a maximum duration for hiring fixed-term
4. Does the legal system regulate fixed-term contracts aimed at fostering employment
and job creation?
5. Does the legal regulation recognize fixed-term workers a preferential right to
occupy a vacant job position in the firm?
6. Does the legal regulation allow differences in working conditions of fixed-term
workers (worktime, wage, schedule, etc.) in comparison with indefinite workers?
7. Is there any economic compensation in favor of a worker as a result of the extinction
of a fixed-term contract according to the agreed terms?
8. In case of recognizing an economic compensation to the worker, is this economic
compensation equivalent or different than the one recognized in case of extinction
of the contract due to business-related reasons?
9. What are the consequences derived from the breach the regulation regarding fixed-
term contracts? In particular, is the contract declared indefinite? Are workers
recognized a higher economic compensation in case of the contract’s extinction?

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