Extractes - Abstracts - Extractos

AutorEscola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya

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Political Discourse of a Celebrity and Critical Discourse Analysis Xavier Laborda

The object of analysis of this paper is an interview with the then former judge and newly elected member of parliament Baltasar Garzon, published in El Pat's Semanal in July 1993. The article, entitled «Garzon: the last of the boy scouts», at the same time deals with Baltasar Garzon's present and future in a tone bordering on the informal and serves as a justification of his personal and ideological position.

The pivots of the paper are the material to be analyzed and the interpretative viewpoint. On the one level there is the interview, in which the interlocutors talk about political activities and the relationship between the media, the law and democratic order. On another level, the author of the paper, considering that a text is an unfinished process because it needs the participation of the reader in order to acquire meaning, applies the practices and principles of critical discourse analysis. This type of analysis is an interdisciplinary branch of interpretation by means of which researchers clarify the meaning of the discursive practices of politicians and other figures in the media, with the intention of rousing the awareness of those who bear their effects in the form of pressure and power.

Following an introduction, the paper discusses the eight guiding principles for activities carried out within critical discourse analysis, explaining each of them in a separate section together with comments on the interview and the rhetorical procedures used in it. These eight principles are as follows: critical analysis deals with social problems: power relations are discursive; discourse constitutes society: discourse performs an ideological task; discourse is historical; the relationship between text and society is mediate; discourse analysis is interpretative and explicative; and discourse is a form of social action.

Discurso Politico de una Celebridad y Análisis Critico del Discurso Xavier Laborda

Page 274

Una entrevista realizada al entonces exjuez y recien elegido diputado Baltasar Garzon, publicada en El Fats Semanal en julio de 1993, es el objeto de analisis del presente trabajo. La entrevista, que lleva por titulo «Garzon: el ultimo boy scout», combina en tono casi informal su presente y futuro y sirve a Baltasar Garzon de justificación personal e ideologica.

Los puntos principales del trabajo son el material de analisis y el punto de vista interpretativo Por una parte, la entrevista, en la que los interlocutores hablan de actividades políticas y de las relaciones con los medios de comunicación, de la ley y el orden democratico. Por otra parte, considerando que un texto es un proceso inacabado porque necesita la participation del lector para alcanzar un sentido, el autor del trabajo aplica las practicas y principios del analisis crítico del discurso. Dicho analisis es una rama interdisciplinaria de la interpretación, mediante la cual los investigadores clarifican el sentido de las practicas discursivas de políticos y otros agentes a traves de los medios de comunicacion con el fin de avivar la conciencia de quienes soportan sus efectos de presion y dominio.

Tras una introducción, el estudio se refiere a cada uno de los ocho principios que orientan las actividades del analisis crítico del discurso, explicados en cada apartado junto con los comentarios sobre la entrevista y sobre los procedimientos retoricos utilizados en ella. Estos ocho principios son: el analisis crítico trata de problemas sociales, las relaciones de poder son discursivas, el discurso constituye la sociedad, el discurso realiza una tarea ideologica, el discurso es historico, la relation entre texto y sociedad es mediata, el analisis del discurso es interpretativo y explicativo, y el discurso es una forma de action social.

Page 275

Procedural Organic Law from the Viewpoint of the Organic Law on the Judiciary and other Complementary Provisions Jose Francisco Escudero Joaquin Frigola

Respect for the rights of all Spanish subjects who use the courts to exercise their fundamental rights as enshrined in Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution should be inherent in all procedural actions performed within jurisdictional bodies.

However, the uneasy coexistence of procedural organic regulations dating from before the Spanish Constitution, constitutional regulations and statutory provisions governing them, and the lack of clear criteria guiding the application and materialization of the law within a procedure may create situations which undermine this legal security.

This article describes some of the terminological contradictions to be found in the huge and complex «procedural puzzle» of law in its various jurisdictional orders.

The different procedural acts of judges and secretaries are defined and classified, and the regulations of the Organic Law on the Judiciary that govern legal actions are presented. The authors also mention the regulation of the acts of communication issued by courts and tribunals, acts of communication with other legal bodies and authorities, and requests for international jurisdictional cooperation.

Further sections deal with other aspects of legal actions (publicity, schedules), and there is a description of the regulation of the factor of the time allotted for performing procedural acts.

On the basis of these considerations, the authors regard it as urgent to reform all provisions predating the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and the Organic Law on the Judiciary of 1985, to create terminological uniformity regarding similar terms in different jurisdictional orders, and to clarify and demarcate the functions of each procedural operator.

El dret orgánic processal analitzat sota el prisma de la Llei organica del poder judicial i altres disposicions complementáries Jose Francisco Escudero Joaquín Frigola

El respecte dels drets de tots els subjectes espanyols que acudeixen als tribunals en 1'exercici del seu dret fonamental contingut a l'article 24 de la Constitucio espanyola hauria de ser inherent en totes les actuacions processals que es duen a terme dins dels organs jurisdiccionals.

Aixo no obstant, I'estranya coexistencia de normes organiques processals datades d'abans de la Constitucio espanyola, de normes constitucionals i de disposicions reglamentaries que les despleguen, juntament amb la manca d'un criteri clar i orientador sobre la manera d'aplicar i materialitzar el dret dins d'un procés, poden crear situacions que atempten contra aquesta seguretat jurídica.

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Aquest treball exposa algunes de les contradiccions terminologiques que s'observen en el vast i complex «puzle processal» que es el dret en els diferents ordres jurisdiccionals.

Es defineixen i es classifiquen els diversos actes processals dels jutges i secretaris i es presenten les normes de la Llei organica del poder judicial que regulen les actuacions judicials. Els autors també es refereixen a la regulacio dels actes de comunicacio que poden emetre els jutjats o tribunals, dels actes de comunicacio amb altres organs judicials i autoritats, i de les peticions de cooperacio jurisdiccional international.

En altres apartats es toquen altres aspectes de les actuacions judicials (publicitat, horaris) i es detalla com esta regulat el factor temps concedit per dur a terme els actes processals.

A partir d'aquestes exposicions, els autors consideren que es urgent reformar totes les dispositions anteriors a la Constitutio espanyola de 1978 i a la Llei organica del poder judicial de 1985, crear una uniformitat terminologica de mots que sigui similar en els diferents ordres jurisdiccionals, i aclarir i delimitar les funtions de cada un dels operadors processals.

The Legal Regulation of multilingualism in Finland Xabier Iriondo

The article sets out to describe the legal regulation of multilingualism in Finland, which arises out of a very specific sociolinguistic situation, and as such is difficult to apply to any other society.

In order to provide an understanding of the legal system governing Finnish bilingualism, the author outlines the history of the country and explains its sociolinguistic situation. Regardless of the great numerical imbalance between the majority Finnish language group and that of Swedish speakers, the Finnish Constitution declares both languages to have national status and be on equal terms. A system of linguistic rights is established which is oriented towards the recognition of individual rights but with elements of collective rights, embracing the principles of both personality and territoriality.

The sociolinguistic reality of Finland, however, goes beyond what is laid down in the 1919 Constitution, which was recently reformed as a result. References have been introduced to the multilingualism, multiculturalism and multiethnicity of the State.

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The legal framework of the country regarding language issues is presented, as is the legislative development of the Constitution on the subject. The article discusses the main features of the legal and linguistic system of the Aland Islands (an autonomous region with ample legislative powers), which has a huge majority of Swedish speakers and a far greater degree of protection for the Swedish language (the only official language there) than the more general system provides in the rest of the country. There is also an analysis of the complex current situation of the Sami people, who are widely dispersed over several areas and display great cultural and linguistic diversity, and their legal position in the country.

Finally, the author deals with the active participation of Finland in the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, designed to protect and promote their use, and describes the content and structure of the Charter.

L' Ordenació juridica del multilinguisme a Finlandia Xabier Iriondo

L'article te per objectiu descriure l'ordenacio juridica del multilingüisme a Finlandia, fruit d'una situatio sociolingüística molt concreta i, per tant, dificilment aplicable en una altra societat.

Per tal d´entendre el sistema legal d'ordenacio del bilingüisme finlandes, l'autor fa un repas per la historia del país i n'exposa la situacio sociolinguistica. Al marge de la gran desproporcio numérica entre el grup linguistic fines (majoritari) i el suec, la Constitucio finlandesa declara totes dues llengues com a nacionals i paritaries. S'hi estableix un sistema de drets lingüístics orientat cap al reconeixement de drets individuals pero amb elements de drets collectius i tant amb el principi de personalitat com amb el de territorialitat.

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La realitat sociolingüística finlandesa, pero, es mes extensa d'allo que s'estableix a la Constitucio de 1919, i de resultes d'aixo ha estat recentment reformada per introduirhi referéncies al multilingüisme, multiculturalisme i multietnicitat de l'Estat.

Es presenta el marc jurídic i linguistic del pais i el desenvolupament legislatiu de la Constitucio quant al tema lingüístic. Es comenten les característiques més importants del regim juridic i lingüístic de les illes Aland (regio autonoma amb competencia legislativa molt extensa), amb una immensa majoria suecofona i una proteccio de la llengua sueca (unica llengua oficial) molt mes ámplia de la que el sistema general atorga a la resta del pais. S'hi analitza, també, la complicada situacio actual del poble sami, poblacio molt dispersa en diferents territoris i amb una gran varietat cultural i linguistica, i la seva posicio legal en el país.

Per acabar, l'autor exposa 1'activa participacio de Finlandia en relacio amb la Carta europea de les llengiies regionals o minoritaries, dissenyada per protegirles i promoureles, alhora que en descriu el contingut i l´estructura.

Language Rights in Macao Pedro Pereira de Sena

The author's aim is to analyze the importance and content of language rights in the legal system of Macao. These rights are characterized by highly dispersed regulations and a wide variety of sources.

During much of the colonial period in Macao, the situation was one of absolute official Portuguese monolingualism, with an unbridgeable gap between the political or official language (Portuguese) and the cultural or national one (Chinese). It was only in 1991 that a decreelaw was passed giving Chinese coofficial status in the Portuguese colony. The model chosen was absolute coofficial status (i.e., parity), thus involving a democratization of the law. However, the language status of what will be known as the Special Administrative Region (sar) of Macao, when the territory is handed over to China in 1999, has yet to be determined. The only plans on the subject to date are to maintain Portuguese as a coofficial language of the sar of Macao (Article 9 of the future Basic Law), but as yet the ambiguity of the terms used make it impossible to adopt any specific model of bilingualism. Thus, with regard to sources of internal law, the legislation is practically limited to governing official status, but its regulations are insufficient and leave many aspects unsettled. Furthermore, international law does not assume language rights to be included within human rights, although they are regarded as fundamental rights based on political agreements. The future protection of Portuguese as a coofficial language of Macao when the territory becomes part of China is, therefore, unclear.

El dret linguistic de Macau Pedro Pereira de Sena

L'objectiu de l'autor es analitzar la rellevància i el contingut dels drets lingüístics en l'ordenament jurfdic de Macau. Aquests drets es caracteritzen per la dispersio normativa i per l'heterogeneitat de les fonts.

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Bona part de l'etapa colonial de Macau s'ha caracteritzat per l'absolut monolingüísme oficial del portugues, amb una radical separatio entre la llengua politica o oficial (el portugues) i la llengua cultural o national (el xines). No va ser fins al 1991 que es va aprovar un decret llei que va decarar la cooficialitat del xines a la colonia portuguesa. L'opcio triada es un model de cooficialitat absoluta, es a dir, paritaria, la qual cosa implica una democratitzacio del dret. No obstant aixo, encara no s'ha determinat el model d'oficialitat linguistica que tindra la Regio Administrativa Especial (rae) de Macau, un cop l'endavament passi a sobirania xinesa l'any 1999. L' únic que s'ha previst es el manteniment del portugues com a llengua cooficial de la rae de Macau (article 9 de la futura Llei basica), pero a hores d'ara l'ambigüitat dels termes fa possible l'adopcio de qualsevol model de bilingiiisme. Pel que fa a les fonts de dret intern, doncs, la legislacio es limita gairebe a regular l´oficialitat, pero la reglamentacio es insuficient i deixa molts aspectes pendents de con credo. D'altra banda, des del dret internacional tampoc no hi ha una assumpcio dels drets linguistics com a drets humans, tot i que es tendeixin a considerar com a drets fonamentals basats en compromisos politics. La proteccio futura del portugues com a llengua cooficial de Macau, per tant, no esta clara quan aquest territori passi a formar part de la Xina.

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From Diagnosis to Cure: Euromosaic, Language and Economic Development. G. Williams, P. Nelde and M. Strubell

The authors begin their paper with an overview of the Euromosaic study on the production and reproduction of the minority language groups in the European Union. After a short presentation of its theoretical orientation and its particular method, which involves a critical standpoint towards the orthodox approach in current sociolinguistics, they focus on the main findings of the study. A major feature of these findings is that they allow a comparison of the various language groups by reference to the scores across four «state» variables (language prestige, institutionalization, legitimation and education) and three «civil society» variables (family, community and cultural reproduction).

In the second part of the paper, the authors extend their analysis beyond the Euromosaic study and seek to outline a model of regional development which makes an innovative link between language and economy. Focusing on the ongoing restructuring and realignment processes of economic relationships across Europe, but rejecting the way neoliberalism interprets them, the authors argue for the relevance of minority languages within this context. To illustrate, the impact of the advent of minority language media for regional development in such diverse regions as Scotland, Wales, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia and Ireland is briefly dealt with.

Del diagn6stico al remedio: Euromosaic, lengua y desarrollo económico. G. Williams, P. Nelde y M. Strubell

Los autores empiezan su articulo con una vision de con junto del estudio Euromosaic sobre la produccion y reproduction de los grupos lingüisticos minoritarios de la Union Europea. Despues de presentar brevemente la orientation teorica y la particular metodologia del mismo, que incluye una toma de position critica respecto al enfoque ortodoxo de la sociolingüística contemporanea, se concentran en los resultados principales del estudio. Un rasgo central de estos resultados es que permiten la comparacion de los diferentes grupos lingüisticos en funcion de las puntuaciones obtenidas en cuatro variables relacionadas con el estado (prestigio de la lengua, institucionalizacion, legitimation y education) y tres variables relacionadas con la sociedad civil (familia, comunidad y reproduccion cultural).

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En la segunda parte del artículo, los autores llevan su análisis más alla del estudio Euromosaic y se proponen esbozar un modelo de desarrollo regional que conecta lengua y economía de una manera innovadora. Prestando su atención a los procesos de reestructuracion y reajuste de las relaciones economicas que estan en curso en Europa, pero rechazando la interpretación neoliberal de los mismos, los autores defienden la relevancia de las lenguas minoritarias en tal contexto. Como ilustracion, se discute brevemente el impacto para el desarrollo regional de la introduction de medios de comunicacion en lengua minoritaria en regiones tan diversas como Escocia, Gales, Cataluiia, el País Vasco, Galicia e Irlanda.

The linguistic situation in Ukraine Iryna Kladiy

More than 100 different ethnic groups coexist in Ukraine. An account of the origins of the Ukrainian language is followed by a description of the five historical regions into which the country is divided, and which have given rise to its present ethnic, cultural, political and economic diversity. Ukraine has undergone a long process of Russianization resulting in the disuse of Ukrainian, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the region.

Under the generic title «Bilingualism», the second part of the work covers the main ethnolinguistic groups (Ukrainians and Russians) in Ukraine. In addition to these, 6 % of the population of the country belongs to a variety of ethnic minorities, mostly peoples of Slavic origin. These minorities have been educated in Russian, and consequently for them Russian is the main priority language.

The new Law on Languages in the Republic of Ukraine came into force on 1 January 1990. It aims to create the necessary legal framework for the various languages spoken in the country to coexist peaceably. According to the Law, citizens are free to choose the language of secondary education, and schools can be set up to cater for ethnic minorities. Subsequent directives have been issued in an attempt to increase schooling in Ukrainian and encourage the normalization of the language in higher education. The author also provides data on two cultural indicators (press and religion) concerning the use of the languages spoken in Ukraine.

Today, although Ukrainian is the official language of the country, Russian continues to command great social and cultural prestige. According to the author, the normalization of Ukrainian should aim at a situation of bilingualism capable of maintaining the other languages that form part of the culture and history of Ukraine.

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La Situació linguistica a Ucraina Iryna Kladiy

Ucraina es un país on conviuen mes de cent etnies diferents. Despres d'explicar els origens de la llengua ucraïnesa, es presenten les 5 regions historiques en que es divideix el pais i que han resultat en les varietats etniques, culturals, polítiques i economiques existents. Ucraina ha patit un llarg proces de russificacio que ha provocat el retroces, amb mes o menys intensitat segons les regions, en l´ús de la llengua ucrai'nesa.

Sota el titol generic de «Bilingiiisme», la segona part del treball mostra els grups etnolingüístics majoritaris (ucraïnesos i russos) a Ucraïna. A part d'aquests grups, el 6 % de la poblacio del país pertany a nombroses minories etniques, en gran part pobles d'origen eslau. Aquestes minories han estat escolaritzades en rus, fet que comporta que la majoria doni prioritat a la llengua russa.

L' 1 de gener de 1990 va entrar en vigor la nova Llei sobre les llengües a la República d'Ucraina. L'objectiu de la Llei es crear el marc legal necessari per a la convivéncia de les diferents llengues que es parlen al país. D'acord amb aquesta Llei, els ciutadans poden escollir lliurement la llengua a l'ensenyament secundari i es poden crear escoles propies per les minories etniques. Posteriorment s'han promulgat directrius per augmentar l'escolarització en ucraïnes i impulsarne la normalitzacio a l'ensenyament superior. L'autora exposa, a més, dades de dos indicadors culturals (premsa i religio) sobre la presencia de les llengues que es parlen a Ucraina.

Actualment, malgrat que l'ucraïnes es la llengua oficial d'Ucraïna, el rus hi continua sent una llengua de gran prestigi social i cultural. Segons l'autora, la normalitzacio de l'ucraïnes ha de procurar una situacio de bilingiiisme que mantingui les altres llengues que ja formen part de la cultura i la historia d'Ucraïna.

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Legal and Institutional Aspects of Language Policy and Planning in Universities where Catalan is Official Albert Turull

This article presents the situation of the universities located within the Catalan language area regarding the use of languages. Particularly, it deals with the regulations and institutional framework with which they have equipped themselves over the last 12 years in pursuit of their goals of linguistic normalization, as manifested and promoted by their respective statutes.

All the universities in the study included the precepts of the autochthonous and official status of Catalan in their normative texts, thus following the line laid down by higher legal texts and in some cases even attempting to surpass the limits of the devolutionary statutes of autonomy in their textual content and legal implications.

On the basis of the university statutes, posts and organizational subdivisions have been set up to deal with the language issue, and produce normative or planning documents. These documents include plans for linguistic normalization, regulations concerning language use, and agreements on the establishment of a linguistic profile for appointments, although not all the universities studied possess documents of this sort.

Following an account of the legal and institutional frameworks of language policy in universities, the author focuses on its areas of application, describing the stage reached at present and the planned future steps in the complex process of linguistic normalization at the three university levels: students, administration and service staff, and academic staff.

In addition to establishing measures such as linguistic competence or the language profile of teaching posts, in order to guarantee the habitual use of Catalan in both administration and tuition, it is necessary to define a horizon of linguistic normality based on the broadest possible consensus.

Aspectos legales e institucionales de la política y la planificacion lingüísticas en las universidades donde es oficial la lengua catalana Albert Turull

Este articulo presenta la situation de las universidades existentes dentro del ámbito lingüístico Catalan con respecto al uso de las lenguas y, en especial, a su normativa y entramado institucional de que se han dotado en los ultimos doce años en funcion de los objetivos de normalization lingüística, recogidos e impulsados por sus respectivos estatutos.

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Todas las universidades objeto del estudio han introducido los preceptos de propiedad y oficialidad del Catalan en sus textos normativos, continuando así la línea marcada por los textos legales superiores e incluso intentando en algunos casos rebasar, en cuanto a la redaction e implicaciones legales, los propios estatutos de autonomía.

A partir de los estatutos universitarios, se han creado cargos y suborganismos dedicados a la cuestion lingüística que han generado documentos normativos o de planificacion. Entre estos documentos se encuentran los planes de normalization lingüística, los reglamentos de usos lingüísticos y los acuerdos del establecimiento de un perfil lingüístico para los puestos de trabajo, aunque no todas las universidades analizadas disponen de dichos documentos.

Tras repasar los marcos legal e institucional de la politica lingüística universitaria, el autor destaca sus ámbitos de aplicacion, exponiendo su fase actual y la prevision de las etapas futuras del complejo proceso de normalization lingiiistica en los tres estamentos universitarios: el estudiantado, el personal de administration y servicios, y el profesorado.

Además del establecimiento de medidas como la capacitacion lingüística o el perfil lingüístico de las plazas docentes, para garantizar el uso habitual del Catalan tanto en el ámbito administrativo como en la docencia, es necesario definir un horizonte de normalidad lingüística fruto del consenso mas amplio posible.

The Catalan of Alguer, the New Legal Framework and Schools Andreu Bosch

The aim of the article is to describe and analyze, from a sociolinguistic viewpoint, the changes that have taken place over recent years in the town of Alguer (Sardinia) in the legal framework with regard to linguistic issues and its effect on schools. Of all areas of the public domain, it is the school system that has benefitted most in this regard, despite the 1994 ruling by the Italian Constitutional Court, reinforcing the State line of linguistic and cultural centralism. The section of the regional law on the protection and valuation of culture and language in Sardinia that dealt with the teaching of Sardinian and the Catalan of Alguer was declared to be unconstitutional.

The ambiguity of the Italian legal framework with regard to linguistic minorities and a lack of consensus and decision among the cultural and political forces of Alguer make it extremely difficult to draw up plans for a language policy (which should focus not only on schools but also on creating links between the world of employment and culture and that of young people) that might lead to a real recovery of Alguerese Catalan, a language which is tending towards replacement by Italian and its own internal impoverishment.

However, there is a ministerial circular in existence that fosters respect for the various language minorities within the Italian State, and permits the application in schools, as a measure of exiguous linguistic recovery, of a progressive type of program for Alguerese, based onPage 285stepping up its use in certain activities. The circular also allows for a training program for teachers, and this implies the availability of a linguistic model to follow and specific training for the recovery of the language in schools. The Maria Montessori Center for Teaching Resources, which has been working in these two areas since its creation in 1993, has already implemented its priority objectives, with encouraging results.

El catalán de Alguer, el nuevo marco legal y la escuela Andreu Bosch

La finalidad del artículo es recoger y analizar, bajo un punto de vista sociolingüístico, los cambios que han tenido lugar en la ciudad de Alguer (Cerdena) durante los últimos anos con respecto al marco legal en materia lingüística y su incidencia en la escuela. Este ultimo ha sido el ambito piiblico mas beneficiado en este sentido, a pesar de que en 1994 la Corte Constitucional italiana, siguiendo la linea del centralismo lingüísticocultural del Estado, declaro inconstitucional el título de la Ley regional sobre la tutela y valoracion de la cultura y la lengua en Cerdena relativo a la ensenanza del sardo y del Catalan de Alguer.

La imprecision del marco legal italiano en cuanto a las minorías lingüísticas y la falta de consenso y de voluntad entre las fuerzas culturales y politicas algueresas hacen realmente difícil pensar en una planificacion de la polftica lingüística (que no deberia centrarse tan solo en la escuela, sino tambien en la vinculacion del mundo laboral y cultural con las jóvenes generaciones) que lleve a una recuperacion real del catalán de Alguer, lengua que tiende a ser sustituida por el italiano y a empobrecerse internamente.

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Existe, sin embargo, una circular ministerial que preve fomentar el respeto a las minorías lingüísticas existentes en el Estado italiano y que permite aplicar en la escuela, como medida de exigua recuperacion lingüística, un tipo de programa de algueres progresivo, basado en la intensificacion de su uso en determinadas actividades. Dicha circular tambien preve un programa de formación del profesorado, lo cual implica disponer de un modelo lingiiistico a seguir y una formacion específica para la recuperation de la lengua en la escuela. En estos dos temas trabaja el Centro de Recursos Pedagogicos Maria Montessori, creado en 1993, que ya ha puesto en practica, con resultados positivos, sus objetivos prioritarios.

Stranger Things Happen at Sea: The situation of the Catalan Language in Santa Coloma de Gramenet Noemí Ubach and Albert Faba

Lawless City

: this was the nickname by which Santa Coloma de Gramenet was known 30 years ago. Yet statistics show that today it is one of the safest towns in Catalonia. This change is indicative of many other changes that the town has undergone in recent years, but cliches are hard to break. In an attempt to do just that, the authors present the results of a survey conducted in the town at the end of 1994 on usage of and attitudes towards the Catalan language amongst local people.

Santa Coloma was one of the towns that received most nonCatalan immigration in the 1960s. This accounts for the fact that today only 18 % of local people regard Catalan as their own language. As far as social usage is concerned, individuals claiming to use Catalan habitually amount to 28 % of the total. As regards attitudes, it should be noted that 70 % of the population show a positive attitude towards the language, and that 72 % consider that in Catalonia everyone ought to be able to speak Catalan.

Thus, although the use of Catalan is scant, the situation presents real prospects of improvement, since attitudes are, generally speaking, positive. The stumbling block is the younger generation; this sector of the population does not use Catalan any more than older people, despite having greater proficiency in it, and furthermore their attitude towards the language is more reticent.

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In short, the article presents a set of data that paints a picture which is neither black nor white but, as is so often the case, ambiguous and complex.

Todo es posible en ..: La situaciÓn de la lengua catalana en Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Noemi Ubach y Albert Faba

La ciudad sin ley

, asi se conocía a Santa Coloma de Gramenet hace 30 años. Sin embargo, hoy día las estadisticas nos demuestran que es una de las ciudades mas seguras de Cataluña. Este cambio es indicativo de otros muchos que ha ido experimentando la ciudad en los últimos años, pero cuesta mucho romper los topicos. Con este preciso objetivo, los autores presentan los resultados de una encuesta realizada en este municipio a finales del año 1994 sobre usos y actitudes de sus habitantes respecto a la lengua catalana.

Santa Coloma fue una de las poblaciones que recibio más inmigrantes en los años sesenta. Este hecho explica que hoy día solamente un 18% de la poblacion considere el Catalan como su lengua. Con respecto al uso social, la cifra de individuos que declaran usar habitualmente el Catalan es de un 28%. En cuanto a las actitudes hacia la lengua, estas son positivas en mas de un 70 % de la poblacion, y un 72 % considera que en Cataluna todos deberían saber Catalan.

Asi pues, aunque el uso del Catalan en la ciudad es escaso, la situation presenta muchas posibilidades de mejora ya que las actitudes son, en general, positivas. El contrapunto son los mas jovenes. Este sector de poblacion, aun teniendo una mayor competencia en Catalán, no lo utiliza mas que las generaciones mayores y presenta, además, unas actitudes mas reticentes.

En este artículo se analizan unos datos que ofrecen una imagen que no es blanca ni negra sino, como resulta muchas veces la realidad, ambigua y compleja.

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