La diagnosi genetica preimpianto tra normativa e giurisprudenza AA.VV.

AutorEkain Payán Ellacuria
356 Rev Der Gen H 49/2018
The second part, spotlight the biosafety at European and international
level and is composed of five articles. The themes highlighted in this part are:
solidarity clause and the IPCR; international and European framework for
transfer control of biological material; resolution of conflicts in international
treaties on biosafety; border control (Mercosur and Argentina) in the transport
of substance infectious diseases and biosafety and patent law (Ukraine).
The third part of the work deals with technoscience and biosafety, being
composed by two articles. One about biological war and other on antiviral
vaccines as a defense tool against biological attacks.
From the reading of the articles one can verify a great concern with the
respect to the freedom of thought, creation and scientific production. It
could be noticed the concern on establishing an adequate legal framework
study for the diverse needs presents, reconciling the agility and dynamism
with the legal certainty required by the theme.
Finally, the book is a contribution to studies on the protection of scien-
tific research, biotechnological discoveries and innovations as a tool to
facilitate the access of the population to benefits obtained or generated by
biotechnology and to eliminate, to prevent or at least to minimize risks to
the human being, the environment and living matter in general.
Ana Paula Myszczuk
Doctor of Economic and Socialenvironmental Law, PUCPR.
Associate Professor at Federal University of Technology of Paraná. Curitiba, Brazil
AA.VV.: La diagnosi genetica preimpianto tra normativa e giurisprudenza,
FATTIBENE, Rosanna (Ed.), Collana: Marcopolo, Editoriale Scientifica, Na-
poli, Italia, 2017, 289 pp.
La colección Marcopolo. Percorsi di diritto pubblico interno e comparato
lungo i confini disciplinari, de la Editoriale Scientifica, de gran relevancia en
Italia, cuenta con un nuevo título en su haber: La diagnosi genetica preim-
pianto tra normativa e giurisprudenza. Esta obra colectiva goza de
indudables virtudes, entre las cuales destaca, en primer lugar, la elección
de los temas que han sido objeto de reflexión por parte de los autores.
Entre ellos se diseccionan, de manera profusa, el diagnóstico genético
preimplantatorio (en adelante, DGP), el diagnóstico prenatal, la selección
de embriones, o la utilización de nuevas tecnologías en relación con la
salud humana y la reproducción (reprogenética).
Además, la obra parte de una opción temática y metodológica que
merece ser destacada, pues, al humilde juicio del que suscribe, ha acertado

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